Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fathers Day Contest

This Is My brother Tony is does Awesome Work this photo contest would be A great keepsake   good luck on winning

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Frozen roll dough real time saver

Make your favorite roll recipe this is mine Just adapted the end of the recipe to fit your
Original recipe                                                                                         makes 30 rolls                    

  1 cup margarine                                                    

 1/2 teaspoon salt                                                    

 2 eggs, beaten

This helps so much with time and just think your saving money by
making your own convince and not buy it. Yes it takes a little time to get thing ready but once you have it in your freezer and you will be glad you did

Making ahead .

One thing that saves me time is when I get a lot of hamburger meat 5 lb or more . I cook it with diced onions then dived into freezer bags  then when I don't have a lot of time  I can quickly microwave it
and Taco seasoning, or sloppy Joes or spaghetti  sauce or add to a casserole. this also help save money so I am not tempted to stop for fast food in many cases this is just s fast.